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Part NumberSpecificationsProducentUnit Price
163UK-9920564 Universal Analysis systems, DET, behrotest®, Type GFA 5 , Descr... BehrLabortechnik 1225,88 EUR
163UK-9843765 Digital burette DIT 50 for titration, 50 ml volume BehrLabortechnik 636,89 EUR
163UK-9645101 Hotplates behrotest® with metal protective grill, Type KP 2 , D... BehrLabortechnik 130,88 EUR
163UK-9645100 Hotplates behrotest® with metal protective grill, Type KP 1 , D... BehrLabortechnik 123,27 EUR
163UK-9645102 Hotplates behrotest® with metal protective grill, Type KP 3 , D... BehrLabortechnik 211,30 EUR
163UK-9700433 Peristaltic Pump PLP 6000, Type PLP 6000 , Description Peristaltic p... BehrLabortechnik 1075,64 EUR
163UK-6267318 Magnetic stirring bar behrotest, set 1 + 2, Description Set 2 BehrLabortechnik 39,84 EUR
163UK-6267317 Magnetic stirring bar behrotest, set 1 + 2, Description Set 1 BehrLabortechnik 27,53 EUR
163UK-6086631 COD work stations, PB-CSB/M, behrotest®, Type MRST 2 , Descript... BehrLabortechnik 25,92 EUR
163UK-9843760 Infrared rapid sample digestor with manual power control, behrotest ... BehrLabortechnik
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