1567-88204273 N/A JJ ECC832 preamp / 12DW8

Part Number

1567-88204273 (156788204273)


JJ ECC832 preamp / 12DW8

Unit Price17,62 EUR
Minimum Order Quantity1
Tariff No.
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Weight and Dimension
DescriptionCombined dual-triode for special purposes. Uf = 6.3 / 12.6V, If = 300 / 150mA. Characteristic (system I pin 6,7,8): Ua = 250V, Ug = -2V, Ia = 1.2 mA, S = 1.6 mA / V, Ri = 62,5kOhm, æ = 100. Characteristics (System II pin 1,2,3): Ua = 250V, Ug = -8,5V, Ia = 10,5mA, S = 2.2mA / V, Ri = 7,7kOhm, æ = 17 Note: This valve is in the ground from two tubes, the ECC 83 (system I) and the ECC 82 (System II). Remember, these terms are not International. These designations are JJ names!
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