966-251429 Not Specified Pallet racking uprights, max. load 10000 kg, support frame height 2455 mm, shelf

ProducentNot Specified
Part Number

966-251429 (966251429)


Pallet racking uprights, max. load 10000 kg, support frame height 2455 mm, shelf

Unit Price135,48 EUR
Minimum Order Quantity1
Tariff No.
Lead Time
Weight and Dimension
DescriptionPallet racking uprights, max. load 10000 kg, support frame height 2455 mm, shelf depth 1100 mm. Welded uprights ready for installation offer a high degree of torsion resistance and life long stability. C 100 upright profile. Slots for hanging and securing beams. Description: Pre-assembled frames including 2 bolt anchors B 12 - 15/105 for anchoring to the floor. Minimum concrete quality B 15. Overall height = upright height + 5 mm base plate. Safety Only use well secured shelf units. Observe the detailed assembly instructions and the applicable guidelines of the trade associations according to BGR 234. In accordance with EN 15635 and the guidelines of BGR 234, crash guards (see accessories) must be installed in front of uprights at the beginning and end of shelving units located in transport areas. We will be happy to give you more detailed information. Monitored quality for your safety Static load tested through officially certified engineers. Permit for suitable procedure and materials. Strong, torsion stiffening construction. Professional welding according to DIN 18800-7. Proven suitability for use in the workplace. Monitoring by State Material Testing Office NRW, Dortmund. Factory inspections. Material: steel, painted Design: welded Overall height: 2455 mm Overall depth: 1100 mm Colour: gentian blue RAL 5010 Max. load: 10000 kg Adjustment grid: 70 mm Support frame width: 100 mm Gefahrstoff: Dangerous for the environment (N)
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