RDA-03K Recoveri, Microdot Computer Microdot anti-theft tag

ProducentRecoveri, Microdot
Part Number

RDA-03K (RDA03K)


Computer Microdot anti-theft tag

Unit Price19,05 EUR
Minimum Order Quantity1
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Lead Time
Weight and Dimension
DescriptionBrand Name: Recoveri, Microdot Model Number: RDA-03K Place of Origin: South Africa Size: 1mm x 1mm Quantity: 3,000 microdots Adhesive: Non Toxic water based Ultra violet (UV) based: Yes Packaging & Delivery Packaging Details: 500 grams per kit 120mm x 170mm packaging Blister packed Glass bottle and Applicator Application instructions Delivery Detail: Usually ships within 7 days Specifications Computer Microdot anti-theft tag - comes packaged in 3,000 microdot kits for DIY application - each kit has a unique PIN number Computer Microdot anti-theft Microdot is used on laptops and Personal ComputersEach kit contains the following:3,000 Microdots 1mm x 1mm in sizeEach kit has a unique 17 digit PIN number allocated to the microdotsNon toxic, water based, UV AdhesiveMicrodot applicator (swab or brush)5 x warning stickers that tell criminals to "beware, do not steal. This asset is protected by microdots"Glass bottle containerFull application instructionsFREE subscription to database which manages the assetOne kit can mark up to 300 assetsAboutMicrodot TechnologyMicrodot technology hasbeen used by the military for espionage purposes, andby anti-fraud andcorruption authorities to mark gambling chips, for decades. As anasset-marking and identification tool to reduce the marketabilityofstolen goods and deter theft, microdot technology has gainedwidespreadacceptance in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, theUnited Kingdom andRussia. Worldwide, the use of microdottechnology is gaining momentum and as awarenessgrows, microdots(special polymer-based devices which can carry a uniqueidentificationnumber) are expected to become one of the most effective andaffordablemeans of securing the identity of assets and deterring theft. Localandinternational statistics show that the use of microdot technologytoentrench the identity of vehicles leads to 50 to 60 percent decreasein thenumber of stolen and hijacked vehicles.Recoveris full serviceoffering comprises a microtag solution and a secure web-based assetregister; empowering anybody to proactively manage their assets rangingfrom office equipment, furniture and computers to entire vehicle andtruck fleets. Recoveri Dot, is used to discretely tag assetswith a unique Asset Identification Number (AIN). Deployedinconspicuously across an asset, these tiny tags etched with a uniqueAIN become powerful identifiers of a companys assets, enabling them toprove and trace ownership. This high level of asset identificationsignificantly reduces the marketability of stolen property, thusdeterring theft. The secure, web-based Recoveri AssetRegister provides the central record of all the asset informationlinked to each AIN. This allows companies to effectively andconveniently manage their asset register and trace assets. Recoverissolution is flexible in its application to meet each companysindividual strategy for managing assets. Companies can group assetsunder separate AINs according to type, region, division or any otherparameters.
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